Sound Devices 788T Multi-Track Digital Audio Recorder

The Sound Devices 788T Portable Digital Recorder builds on the success of the Sound Devices 7-series digital recorders. The 788T is a lightweight and compact professional recorder and features 8 digital recording tracks. An internal 160 GB SATA hard drive, CompactFlash media with UDMA support, external FireWire hard drive or DVD-RAM (with bus powering) all serve as compatible recordable media. Any or all of these options may be used to record audio simultaneously and the 788T serves as a mass storage device when connected to high-speed USB / FireWire ports on Windows and MAC OSX computers. Eight microphone and line-level inputs are provided as four XLR and four TA3-male connections. The 788T has eight channels of balanced AES3 digital input and six channels of balanced AES3 output for simple integration with compatible AES3 digital cameras and mixers. All of the 7-series feature still apply; including 48V phantom, limiter, polarity reverse, high-pass, selectable delay and headphone monitoring on each input.
